Speedway, Ind. ~ Rally racing on the East Coast is getting a late season boost this fall thanks to a dedicated group of rally competitors out of the state of New York.
The New York Forest Rally will become just the third stand-alone regional event for the American Rally Association in 2020. The event will take place in upstate New York on Saturday, October 17 and will be based out of the Monticello area. It will feature eight stages and 40-miles of competition across the best gravel roads in upstate New York.
The event was borne out of the passion and drive of well-known, and local rally team, McKenna Motorsport. With the difficult year prevalent in all walks of life, many rallies have seen unavoidable cancellations, so the team assembled a local group with the goal to create an event that would possible to achieve in the current climate and in a short time-frame.
“Many events have been postponed and cancelled this year, but we have also seen some run very successfully,” said event organizer, Martin Brady. “On these events that ran, we saw that it is still possible to run a safe, enjoyable rally, even with necessary restrictions.
More event details will be announced in the coming days and competitors are reminded to keep an eye on www.nyfrally.com or the New York Forest Rally page on the ARA website, as well as social media for event regulations and entry information.